Cockpit Photo w/ WB9NEQ

Night Flight at 9,500 feet - DX with airborne television

ID Graphic With a 439 Mhz Amateur television transmitter aboard, ours is a unique DXpedition, providing some aeronautical mobile program variety for the amateur television community - an alternative to the popular balloon launch. We've noticed that 9,500 feet works better than our towers at home.

Click for equipment detail page

These expeditions were sponsored by myself, Christopher Scott,  W4NEQ (Then WB9NEQ), and co-pilot slant ATV guru Hank Cantrell, W4HTB. We've operated from Bowling Green, KY. Launch times were typically between 2300 and 0100 UTC. Peak QSO activity was in the evening, usually on weekends, so this was the timeframe chosen.

ZCF_RCVEATV Guru / co-pilot W4HTB
Hank, W4HTB

Click for flight schedule and past missions.

Click for Bi-Yagi (Uda array) detail.

Click for picture of the aircraft

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Christopher Scott - W4NEQ
P.O. Box 52
Bowling Green, KY 42102

Phone: (270) 781-5301