QSL card for W4NEQ

First licensed in Decatur, Illinois in 1973 as WN9NEQ, I started with a Ten-Tec PM2B cw rig with 2 watts on 80 meters. Six months later, I increased this to a whopping 12 watts with a homebrew 6JE6 amp - until the cardboard toilet paper tube / plate choke coil form caught fire, greatly worrying my father.

In early 1975, at 15, I became WB9NEQ, and explored ssb and built other amps with 811As and later, 813s. During this period I developed a love for transmitters, antennas, and all things RF...

These days, W4NEQ is sometimes heard on hf ssb, AM, CW, and 2 meter FM. I'm a radio broadcast engineer, and an all-around RF wonk.

W4NEQ - OMG! What a cluttered bench!


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The data presented below is current for High Frequency propagation.